Introducing our T-Level Placement Team Members – Ryan and Alfie!
As a digital skills employer, we were delighted to welcome two T-Level Digital Production and Design Students from Sunderland College to Mesma on placement earlier this year.
Ryan and Alfie were able to share and celebrate their progress with us recently during T-Level celebration week.
Watch and read their interviews below. We are very impressed with them both!
Meet Alfie…
Have you ever wondered what studying a T-Level is like? Let us introduce you to Alfie, a rising star with a promising future in the digital world.
(Picture: Evan Simons and Alfie at work)

Please tell us about yourself
My name is Alfie, I am studying a T-Level in Digital Production, Design and Development at Sunderland College, Bede.
Tell us about your course
It involves aspects from all over digital, from programming to business environments and security. I’m on placement at Mesma.
Why did you want to do a T-Level?
I chose to do a T-level to be able to receive work experience while studying aspects from all different types of digital professionals. I wanted to learn more about how businesses actually function and to help build confidence in the workplace
What do you enjoy about your T-Level?
I enjoy the split weeks between placement and college as it provides a more exciting education, being able to learn and carry out theory in college while applying it in a workplace.
Has the placement given what you wanted?
Yes! My knowledge on the business aspect of a company has greatly increased along with my confidence through talking with co-workers.
What would you like to do when you have finished your course?
I’m still deciding!
``Alfie and Ryan have truly blossomed during their T-Level work placements at Mesma. Their growth in confidence over the last 6 months has been great to see and I know all of the team have enjoyed having them around the workplace.``