Enhancing Quality in Apprenticeships: IQAs and Practitioners Programme

Enhancing Quality in Apprenticeships: IQAs and Practitioners Programme

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Ready to take your apprenticeship quality to the next level?

This programme will help you to develop your knowledge of internal quality assurance practices in an education setting. You will attend with other quality assurance professionals to share ideas, challenges and practical solutions.


Part 1: Quality assurance & the role of the IQA

Do you manage or conduct the internal quality assurance (IQA) of your apprenticeship provision? If so, it’s vitally important to be focusing on the right things. So, for example: Are your IQA activities solely focused on awarding body requirements? Are you able to monitor the apprentice’s learning and progress effectively (particularly where there are no qualifications)? Is your role helping your teachers and trainers to prepare apprentices adequately for the gateway and end-point assessment?

You’ll leave this webinar with an understanding of:

  • Supporting your team or colleagues to undertake impactful observations of activity.
  • Designing and implementing effective deep dive enquiries.
  • Reporting the outcomes of QA activity to drive action.

Part 2: Undertaking effective observations of practice. Building your skills based on research

When used well, observations of practice can be a powerful tool to improve quality. Observations used badly do not improve practice and can be perceived as a threat.
So how can you ensure that your observations of practice enhance CPD for your colleagues and benefit your apprentices? In this in-depth session we will take a research-based approach to effective observations of practice.

You’ll leave this webinar with an understanding of:
  • The importance and purpose of effective observations
  • Developing knowledge of observation techniques and methodologies
  • Setting objectives and criteria
  • The importance of active listening and keen observation
  • Ethical considerations
  • Effective feedback, recording and action planning.

Part 3: Participating in deep dive activities including how to undertake a joint scrutiny of assessed work and progress reviews

A deep dive review or enquiry is standard practice within the quality assurance toolbox. It even has its own dictionary definition ‘to conduct a thorough investigation and analysis of something”.
Conducting a deep dive is a technique that we can use to fully understand a situation, generate ideas, and solve problems. They are also a great way engage colleagues in quality assurance and improvement.

You’ll leave this webinar with an understanding of:
  • The importance and purpose of effective deep dive activity
  • The principles and methodologies of joint scrutiny
  • Effective review of assessed work and progress reviews
  • Practicalities of running a joint scrutiny session
  • Applying evidence-based decision making and making recommendations for improvement
  • The importance of feedback, action planning and practitioner buy-in
  • The impact of the deep dive process on accountability and improvement.
  • Facilitated by Carole Loader - Chief Operating Officer at Mesma
  • Part 1: Tuesday 4 June 2-4pm
  • Part 2: Monday 17 June 10 am - noon
  • Part 3: Monday 24 June 2-4pm
  • In partnership with Strategic Development Network
  • Various Packages - including live sessions SAR support and software.

A community for quality & compliance professionals

Your energy and enthusiasm for professional interaction have sparked an idea to launch an online community for quality and compliance professionals in education, skills and employability.

We’d love you to join us and help us prepare the ground for this exciting community of specialist professionals ready for the future in education, skills, and employability. For more information please click here.

Delegates attending the Enhancing Quality: IQAs and Practitioners Programme will have a chance to try it first.

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