Coordinate, produce and link your self assessment report and deep dive enquiries more quickly and easily than ever before.
Build a richer picture of quality that informs confident, timely decision making. Anticipate where support for quality improvement is needed, faster.
Popular features:
Don’t simply collect periodic QA data through the same channels – widen the net, involve more colleagues, and use it to improve.
Cut the time you spend on administration of quality assurance activity by half.

Give your colleagues the capability and confidence to become their best and give their best.
Develop supports collaborative, trusted and developmental observations of practice in any format including learning walks, peer support and personal reflection.
Popular features:
Develop makes light work of creating, coordinating and analysing observational activity. Your focus can be on sharing good practice and support where needed.

Drives your quality improvement plans to deliver better results, faster. With clear oversight and accountability.
Popular features:
Improve is a whole organisation collaborative approach to improvement planning. It allows you to allocate and manage ownership for improvement activity with people across your organisation. You can easily set deadlines, report on progress and capture the desired & actual impact.

Our experience is now your expertise
Users can now access the first collections within the Resources drawer in the main menu
Popular features:
Users can now access the first collections within the Resources drawer in the main menu.
Resources is part of the Mesma roadmap to supercharge clarity and confidence in quality assurance and improvement. These developments include new features, AI enhancement, as well as launching the not for profit Quality Professionals Awards.

All your quality management evidence and documents can be securely stored and managed in one central place.
Your library helps you manage relevant reports, policies, quality assurance processes and reference files simply and easily. Access from key locations throughout the platform and link to the relevant places to ensure that your quality management practices are well evidenced.
Popular features:
Library is provided as part of the package for all Mesma platform users. It allows your users to link various evidence sources to multiple key questions within your self assessment report and as evidence in observations and thematic reviews.
Mesma Impact

A range of ready made tools to develop your approach to quality assurance
Built from scratch or start from a library of templates built by our sector experts
Standards and Frameworks
Select from a range of the most popular quality standards or develop your own
Inbuilt throughout the quality standards to guide you and your colleagues around the criteria

Help everyone to stay on task and save hours of time following up on updates
Quality Calendar
A birds eye view over all quality assurance and improvement activity.
Auto Scheduling
Populates individual schedules based on the strategy you create
Email Reminders
Saves chasing for updates helps to keep everyone focused on the work in hand

Clear insights that help you to make well informed decisions quickly
Standard and Custom Reporting
Slice and dice data into reports, and build dashboards to share insights with your team.
Make smarter, data-backed decisions with powerful custom reporting and built-in analytics.
Impact and Progress Monitoring
Know how well your quality improvement activity is progressing and the impact it is having in real time
Mesma makes quality assurance more for everyone in your organisation.