Team Celebrating

Planning for an Enhanced Ofsted Inspection as an FE College (with guest speaker)

Planning for an Enhanced Ofsted Inspection as an FE College

7 Febraury 2025 (13:00 pm – 14:00 pm)

Live and online with Lou Doyle and guest speaker Ollie Rodley, Vice Principal – Quality and Standards, Middlesbrough College.

Louise Doyle CEO Mesma
Oillie-Rodley cropped square

Many FE Colleges have a least one eye on planning for their next Ofsted inspection. Do you have the enhanced inspection elements in focus?

Ofsted is a regular theme of our work with colleges. We see some common practices across the leaders and teams who are confident in their approach to an inspection.

Enhanced college inspections began in September 2022 to include a narrative sub-judgement on how well colleges contribute to skills needs.

This webinar draws on Mesma and SDN’s collective experience working with hundreds of education providers and the experience of a VP with recent experience leading a college inspection.

Together, we will show you some tried and tested tools and practices that are helping colleges to be well-prepared and reassured.

Session goals:

Our objective is that you will leave us with more clarity and confidence around planning and preparing for an enhanced inspection.

This will support you in identifying your organisational strengths and priority areas for improvement – the key to the Mesma ‘no-surprises’ mantra for inspections.

Lou Doyle will be joined by Ollie Rodley, Vice Principal – Quality & Performance at Middlesbrough College. He will share his recent experience of leading a team through an enhanced inspection.

About your hosts

This workshop is being delivered in partnership with our colleagues at SDN.

Your host is Lou Doyle – CEO at Mesma. We are quality assurance and improvement specialists offering dedicated quality-focused software, resources and advisory support.

You’ll also have the chance to share good practices and experiences with other like-minded providers and experienced quality professionals. Previous session feedback tells us that in-person attendance is highly recommended to get the maximum value from this event.

The Details…

  • With Lou Doyle - CEO at Mesma and Senior Associate at SDN
  • 2 December 2024
  • 1230 - 1330
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