Grow Confidence in Inspections using your SAR & QIP

Grow Confidence in Inspections with your SAR & QIP

Louise Doyle CEO Mesma

Grow Confidence in Inspections using your SAR & QIP

There’s only one way to go into an inspection with confidence and this event will set you off on the right path to achieving it.

Effective self-assessment (SAR) and quality improvement planning (QIP) is the cornerstone of high impact quality improvement. Yet too often, it falls short because it is perceived as a paper exercise, lacks evaluative content and results in a very long to-do list.

Drawn from SDN and Mesma’s work with over 1,000 provders – and led by a team of quality specialists, this webinar will help you:

  • Understand Quality Performance Indicators and the Education Inspection Framework
  • Get to grips with the core principles of effective self-assessment and how to practically implement them
  • Link your SAR and QIP clearly
  • Develop your approach to compiling a prioritised and realistic quality improvement plan based on the outcomes of self-assessment
  • The webinar will be insightful and action-focused, equipping you with the knowledge and tools for better quality improvement and inspection readiness.
  • Facilitated by Lou Doyle - Chief Executive Officer at Mesma
  • 7 October 2024 - 1200 - 1330
  • In partnership with Strategic Development Network

Any questions, please email the SDN events team:

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